Bright Idea

Hire optimists in your center for easier training.

bright idea lightbulb graphic
Do you pay attention to whether the people you hire in your call center are optimists or pessimists?  If not, you should!

It is well documented that optimists learn better than pessimists.  Watch for the use of words such as “always” and “never” when you are talking to potential new hires – these are often indicators of a pessimistic view of the world.  Listen for statements such as “This ALWAYS happens to me.”  Or “I NEVER get compensated for the amount of work I do.”

Look for the people who use the words “sometimes” and “occasionally” instead. These new hires have more self-esteem, positive energy, confidence and the ability to overcome adversity, hence they have a faster learning curve, and bring welcome optimism to your staff!

Note: This tip is provided by Kathleen Peterson of Powerhouse Consulting. She may be reached at

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